You've Just been MixXed...and "heartbroken"!
RichmondmixX is totally dedicated to keeping its readers "in the mixX" relating to all things crazy, quirky, and fun, with a hint of seriousness! The young professional will also be enticed by the fashionable undertone that the blog will provide and may even see a few pics, contest, and local business features! So, when it's all said and done you'll be asking us to "Throw Me in the MixX"!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Is this really a "good-bye"? Or, a "see ya later"?
You've Just been MixXed...and "heartbroken"!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Life In a Snowglobe!
Ahhh...Snow globes! What beautiful pieces of art they are?
For decades, snow globes have been an intricate staple in most gift or
specialty shops around the world waiting for a collector or admirer to
purchase. Most sitting upon a shelf or mantel with a metal or wooden foundation
with meticulously sculpted homes, characters or floral arrangements inside of a
pool of liquid, that every now and then yields beautiful white or glittery
flakes when shaken. Oh, how peaceful and serene it must be inside a snow globe...or
not! Snow globes only seem to be eye-catching and calm when they are left
untouched, because this is when you can really see the amazing details of the
crafter's work. However, there is always an irresistible urge to shake it up in
order to see the flakes whisk around the globe. When I look at snow globes, I
can't help but relate it to "real" life situations. I'm compelled to
think that life in a snow globe is not much different than life outside of one.
Here's my point...most times we resolve to live our lives in peace, harmony and
in the pursuit of happiness and success, which I believe is a commonality
amongst all people. The only differences may be our foundations. Nonetheless,
we are all beautifully sculpted pieces of art with a specific life purpose. However,
every now and then when we are going through life's journey's someone or
something comes along and "shakes" us up inside of our globe/being,
whether it be related to past relationships or financial hardships, the white
flakes are whipping all around to a point where we cannot see our way. But, the
awesome piece to this puzzle is that eventually all the "mess"
floating around starts to subside, you can now start to see and think with
clarity, peace is restored. So, be mindful the next time that you see a snow
globe that no matter how hard you shake it, the result will always be the
You've just been MixXed....not "Shaken"!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Dear Bobbleheads, You Creep Me Out!
Ok, this is a blast from the past (kind of) in regards to
the bobble head craze that people just love! Me...Not so much! The way those
little dolls stair off into space, smile and "bobble" around agreeing
with every word or move you make, is just pure creepy. I mean, there are bobble heads for all types
of individuals and public figures that folks see as keepsakes and collector's
items. Not me, I wouldn't even want a customized bobble head of myself...eeesh!
Now, although I have such disdain for these creepy little dolls, there is
something that is very significant and relatable about the way they operate. If
people took on a "bobble head" mentality and smiled all the time,
looked bright-eyed into the world's face, and politely shook their heads
"yes" or "no", the way people get along and respect each
other just may make a difference. So, bobble head, even though your creepy
little eyes are always staring at me and your pearly whites are always gleaming
at me... You somehow teach me a very valuable lesson. Be quiet, smile, and
always be in agreement....LOL!
You've just been "oddly" MixXed..Not Stirred!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Wow! What an eventful weekend for the RVA area. In
celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., there were tons of events taking
place around the city for Richmonders to take part in. Events ranged from
community events such as, Occupy the Dream to social events for the RVA
partygoer, like the 4th Annual MLK Day Party held at downtown Richmond's
Hippodrome Theater. Although there was
plenty for all to do throughout the city, one particular event created a
"BUZZ" like no other, and that was the 7th Annual Black Gala "A
Black Tie Edition" presented by STAGE! From what I understand from our
sources, this event was classy, elite, and upscale. Held at Richmond
International Raceway's Torque Club this venue offered the perfect back drop to
a crowd of Richmond's elite partygoers, with music provided by local RVA band
Chkn Grease as well as local DJ that kept the crowd moving and grooving!
However, supposedly there was one downfall, which was the bar service. Mixx
sources indicated that the bartenders were not at all equipped to handle crowd,
resulting in long lines and waits, but if this is the only complaint, I would
dare to say that this was definitely the place to be in RVA!
If you would like to see your event "Thrown in the MixX"....step your game up!
You've just been MixXed...not stirred!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Letters of Affirmation.....
Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to meet some
wonderful people and experience some beautiful as well as painful experiences
that have molded me into a more compassionate, spiritual, patient and loving
individual. And, with this growth I have developed a heart and mind to help
those who I love see the beauty and strength within themselves and give them
words of encouragement to lighten their heavy hearts. Just in taking the time
to listen to a friend in need and do so without judgment and unconditionally
creates a bond of trust that cannot be broken. Just recently, I have found
another way to show unconditional love and support to those in my life, which
has been through letters of affirmation. To some they are just words on a piece
of paper, but to those experiencing a "valley moment" it's a touching
way of knowing that someone cares about you and your situation. It doesn't take
long to write a letter of affirmation, all I use is a piece of torn paper, a
sharpie and my unconditional heart. With those things, I begin to write what I
feel about that person as God lays it on my heart as a token of encouragement
and love. So, what I would like to challenge my readers to do is send someone
you may know, who’s experiencing a tough time, a letter of affirmation, it
won't require a lot of fanfare or time, only your heart on paper in its purest
form and I promise you, the recipient will never forget that they have a person
that genuinely cares for them and their well-being. At the end of the day, it
may be the only form of “visual” love that he or she may receive at that point
in time.
You've just been cared for the MixX!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Leave My Beyonce' Alone.....
Why do we always have to hate on other people's good news? Especially celebrities like Beyonce' and Jay-Z! Now, come on skeptics, ya'll know good and well that Beyonce' did not fake her pregnancy and had nothing to gain by doing so, but had a hell of a lot to lose by pulling such a shenanigan. This woman and her husband have entertained the masses for over a decade with style and class, which has allowed them to be the power couple that they are so, let's just be happy for them, wish their family well and leave my Beyonce' ALONE!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Be Better...Not Bitter
What's the point of allowing past experiences to dictate your happiness. Approach confrontational situations with integrity and make the choice to take your life back! More often than not, we find ourselves in compromising situations that cause us to have to make a choice whether to be the victor or the victim. Either way, how you handle the situation is what makes the difference. How many times have we seen divorced couples still holding grudges against each other that are ages old and usually with children caught in the middle? Or friends, who have had disagreements that go unresolved for years and results in a perfectly good friendship ending in turmoil? Regardless of what the circumstances are you have to learn to grow beyond the heartache and hardship in an effort to determine whether you are going to be BETTER or BITTER. Being "bitter" keeps you ruminating over past experiences and allowing them to control you, whereas if you make a conscious decision to be "better" you can forgive those who have wronged you and move on with your life. So, choose your better...not bitter!
You've just been "Thrown in the MixX"!
You've just been "Thrown in the MixX"!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
2012 is here..Now What?
Ok folks, so we partied 2012 into existence, kissed people we knew and/or didn't know and made resolutions that we may or may not, now what? How do you plan to make 2012 different from 2011? I ask this question because often times we look forward to making the next year better than the previous one without any "real" change. Last night Twitter was blowing up with tweets regarding 2012 being the "Best Year Ever", chats of better financial situations, business growth, and personal growth.'ve talked it up, just exactly how will this be the "Best Year Ever"? Because I'm almost positive that we said that 2011 was going to be a great year as well as the year before, only to look back over the year and be in the exact same place where you were. We have to do better because at the end of the day, we can't continue to speak idle words with no action and further delay our purpose. Do you what you need to do, to make happen what needs to happen! Weight Watchers launched their 2012 theme, which is to "Believe" and that's what we all need to do, believe in yourselves, your visions, and your faith and maybe going to into 2013 we will be on an awesome track of progression. And, for those of you who have always met your challenges head on and stayed the course, I applaud you and wish you well in 2012 the "Best Year Ever"!'s still New Year's go party and watch the Giants beat the brakes off those Cowgirls!
You've just been MixXed..Not Stirred!'s still New Year's go party and watch the Giants beat the brakes off those Cowgirls!
You've just been MixXed..Not Stirred!
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