Friday, December 30, 2011

NYE Resolution's: To Make or Not to Make...

As we approach the NYE holiday millions of people around the world are making plans on how to bring in 2012. There will be party planning, traditional meals being cooked and tons of drinking and DUI's being handed out, but most importantly, we will be verbalizing our 2012 resolutions. So, that leaves me to ask, "why do we keep lying to ourselves EVERY year?” knowing good and well that we are not going to stay focused on half the goals that we set for ourselves. How many times have we heard, "I’m going to lose weight" or "I'm going to pay off my debt"...WAY TOO MANY and at the end of the day only a few actually reach those goals...ok, maybe more than that, but anyway, what's the point of going through the pressure of making a resolution at the beginning of the year if you can't stay with it. While pondering this topic, I came up with a resolution that not only I can stick to, but others may find it easy to take on as well. Trust me; doing so will definitely keep you in good health, spirits, self-motivated and whatever else you seek for yourself! My challenge to myself and everyone else is to resolve to just be a better more, laugh hard, drink good wines and eat good foods! Set attainable goals and most importantly LOVE YOURSELF!

Happy New Years!...
You've been "Thrown in the MixX!

1 comment:

  1. You know its funny because I stopped making resolutions a few years back. I realized that I never stick to them anyway. So I agree and just work to be better and better..

